Sunday, June 15, 2008

Screening ONA Entries - Breaking News

All those years of sitting in a black room at the POYi and CPOY judgings and looking at thousands upon thousands of photos, listening to the clicks of the judge's pressing their vote buttons and finally hearing someone say 'in' or 'out' is paying off.

Out. Out. Out. Out. In. Out. Out. Out. Out. Out. Out. Out. Out. Out. Out. Out. Out. Out. Out. Out. Out. Out. Out. Out. Out. In.

Finally. I have been able to employ those skills as a screener for the judges for the Online Journalism Awards given out by the Online News Association.

I couldn't find anything on the site about confidentially, but I am going to make the assumption that it would be poor form to discuss the specific sites. So, I will write about the generalities that I am seeing.

I have been through four packages so far in the Breaking News category, and I have to say that the two biggest things I am seeing are site issues in Safari and a lack linking to related elements. It is like all the elements exist, they are not navigable from another element's page.

If I recall correctly, on the first four that I looked at I said...

Out - definitely. Out - definitely. Out - borderline. Out - borderline.

Depending on the package. I am spending anywhere from 10 to 30 minutes with each package.

As for now, I am going to evaluate one more entry, then I am going to walk up to the store, grab a coffee or five and continue. I will update again if there is anything interesting to note.

One last thing - for god sakes people do your video kits not have mono pods or tripods? Please use them. I have never gotten car sick before, but somehow watching too much web video shot without a tripod makes me ill.

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Blogger Jacqueline Kazil said...

Correction: I am spending 3 to 15 minutes. After writing this entry, I went back and actually watched the clock on how long I was spending.

6/15/2008 4:25 AM  

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